
2024 Championship so far can be found under 2024 championship. This is upto round 4. 



What a fabulous weekend for the Susan Harris Trial. Great to see so many club members and new faces. We hope you all enjoyed the trial and raising money for LORO's hospice.  Total will be revealed shortly

The winners for each day are as follows:

Trial winner was Paul Wareing followed by Neil Jones and then James Llewelyn.
Green winner was Martin Alderman.
Green youth Alfie Chesman.
Yellow route was won by Andy Butt.
Youth yellow Javier Jones-Rojas.
Nigel Wright won the blue route.
Finally Michael Smalley taking the white route.
Trial winner Sam Gent was on 3 marks, Paul Wareing second on 12, Sam Hill 13.
Green route winner was Olly Wareing on 5.
Green yth George Wareing dropping 30.
Yellow route victory went to Martin Arden with 10 marks lost.
Yellow youth Max Perry 52.
Blue route was won by Nigel Wright with a score of 38
White route winner was the perennial Michael Smalley dropping just 2 marks.
Full results can be found on our facebook page. 
Our next trial is on 7th September 2pm start. Hope to see you there!


Chris Riley Trial 16/6/24 results

Great to see so many new faces today, hope everyone enjoyed the trial.

Thank you always to our observers, the course plotters and the people behind the scenes. Our observers did a fanastic job embracing the new technology, well done!!

Congratulations to the winners of the routes below:

Hard route - Samuel Gent (Adult) Lewis Harvey (Youth)

Green route - John Holland (Adult)

Yellow route - Martin Arden (Adult) George Wareing (Youth)

Blue route - Nigel Wright (Adult) Isaac Kinninmonth (Youth)

White route - Tony Bilton

Big well done to Lewis Harvey who took on the hard route today.

The results are looking a little basic until we fully figure out the new technology!

Our next trial is the Susan Harris 2 day charity trial on 17th & 18th August. We will be posting more information about this next week.



New to trials, want to ride our competitions, want to know more about bike set up?
Come and join us on Saturday 22nd June. 
This is open to any adult or child (accompanied by an adult) holding an ESTC Practice membership. No registration required just turn up and ride. 
We will set some real beginner sections where you will be guided by experienced club members on how trials sections are set and they are observed. This is not a competition more of a fun day, but happy for you to score between your other friends riding on the day. 
We will also offer advice on bike set up, maintenance and answer any questions on accessing the Sport80 website ready for your maybe your first competition. 
Start time 11:00am please assemble in the first car park.



Good Evening

Entries are now open for our next trial 12th May 2024 at Vickers Farm. For everyone who did not enter the last trial, please enter as normal via Sport80. This will now be the second round of our club championship.

Those who entered the last trial that didn't request a refund have been transferred to the above trial and should have received an email from the ACU with a discount code to enter free of charge.

Simply go to sport 80 and enter the next trial as you normally would. At the checkout enter your discount code as per the email from the ACU. The amounts should cancel each other off so when you click apply discount, your entry should complete.

Any problems please email me lborotrialsclub@gmail.com

Thank you to everyone for being so understanding.





Unfortunately we have had to make the difficult decision to cancel this weekends trial.

Both grounds are water logged making parking very difficult.

All entries will be transferred to the new trial. If this is not convenient and you cannnot make the next one on 12/5/24 at Vickers farm then please email me lborotrialsclub@gmail.com

We apologise for any inconvenience caused by this.


With just a week to go until our next trial, round 2 of our club championship!   14th April starting at 10.30. Entries via sport 80 only close midnight on Thursday 11th April.  

Please note the change of venue to Riley’s Railway. 

We have limited the entry to 60 due to  the weather and difficulty parking at the venue. 

Some exciting news for our youth riders! Parents please check your emails.



Due to the parking at our Vickers farm venue being water logged we have had to move our Trial on the 14th of April to Riley's railway,

We will also be limiting the entry to 60 riders, so please get your entries in early to avoid disappointment.


Baker Trial 03/03/24 Results 

Congratulations to the winners of the routes below.
Thanks as always to the observers, the course plotters and the people behind the scenes.  Also, to all the riders for coming along.

Hard Route - Joseph Collins (Adult) Adam Day (Youth)
Green Route - Mark Hawkins (Adult) Lewis Harvey (Youth)
Yellow Route - Andy Butt (Adult) George Wareing (Youth)
Blue Route -Reece Mason (Adult) Isaac Kinninmonth (Youth)
White Route - Stewart Dickinson (Adult) James Dawson (Youth)

Big well done to all the youth riders for navigating their way around a muddy Riley's Railway. 

Our next trial is being held on 14/4/24 at Vickers Farm. This will be round 2 of the club championship. Entries open 21/3/24. 
We hope you have all enjoyed the trial and we hope to see you at the next one. 



Unfortunately due to land access issues Loughborough and District MCC have been forced to move the trial on 4th February from Mallory Park to the Rileys Railway venue.
We know everyone was looking forward to returning to Mallory as we learnt so much about how the ground rode in December but to respect the wishes of the landowner we could not provide a meaningful trial at this stage. We do hope to be able to return later in the year depending on availability of the venue and access to suitable areas to run a trial for modern bikes.
We know this will be a disappointment to many but we do hope that you will still support us at Riley’s. The venue is excellent but we know some riders worry about parking so we will be having a working party next week to improve the parking areas and to gravel the drive in order to improve accessibility.
We do hope those who have already entered will transfer to the new venue but if you have entered you will be contacted to see if you wish your entry to stand or to cancel and refund (refunds via the ACU/Sport80 process).
Apologies we have had to make this decision but with the areas we could access at Mallory this time we could not provide 10 sections capable of running three routes (and 50/50), in fact we were not able to open up 8 suitable sections so had little choice. We do appreciate Stuart at Mallory for trying to accommodate us and we fully understand why at this stage and with the weather we have had it was not possible to allow the scope of access we needed.


Happy New Year!!

Our next trial is 4/2/24 at Mallory Park. Start time 10.30. Online entries will open via sport 80 on 14/1/24. 

The Loughborough DMCC Club Championship will run from 3rd March trial to 17th November trial excluding the Susan Harris charity trial.



As the old saying goes “do you want the good news or the bad news”, well let’s start with the good!
Thanks to the outstanding support from riders, section sponsors, cake makers, club officials and many more the club has handed over £2000 to Breast Cancer UK following yet another brilliant “Susan Harris Two Day Charity Trial”. A fitting tribute to close the involvement of Howard Jones in making this annual event such a success as he steps back from day to day involvement with the club.
Now the bad…a number of people expressed disappointment at the club’s decision to withdraw from running events in the winter months. The club has invested time and material to improve parking at Riley’s and to secure two alternative venues with better parking so that events in November, December and February can be added to the calendar. Unfortunately from the entries received for November it looks like riders do not really want these “colder months” events and the club will be making a decision after the November event regarding the viability of the December and February trials. As the old saying also goes “if you don’t use it you will loose it”. 
If anyone has views on what the committee can do to improve uptake of our events please let us know, we have recognised that earlier in the season one or two of our events had white routes that were a level that was higher than the riders on this route expected, we have addressed that and we are always open to constructive criticism! November Chapmen trial

Entries are now open for on sports 80 for our 5th of November Chapmen Trial. Entries close on the 2nd of November at midnight,

This trial has been added to our calendar so please tell other riders as they may not be aware of this trial 


Message from outgoing Committee

This is the last trial for which I have acted as Club Secretary/Treasurer, Trials Secretary of the Meeting and Clerk of the Course, since I was asked by Gary Shield in September 2018 to take over from Richard Hodges who had decided, at short notice, to cease being the Club Secretary/Treasurer and running the trials.

I would like to thank my son, Peter, who has been inputting and producing the results, looking after the website and Facebook pages for over 10 years and for his assistance in getting the computer equipment sorted for the new committee along with all the other various tasks and of course my wife Patricia for putting up with the disruption on trial weeks and also helping out with the multitude of things we have had to do!

Thanks to everyone who has ridden at the trials and especially to all the volunteer observers and course setters, without whom the events would not run.  I wish the new committee all the best for the future and I am sure that the club will continue to go on from strength to strength in the coming years.


2023 Championship

The winners have also been finalised.  Updated Championship Information is on the 2023 Championship page.

CLUB NOTICE Updated - 5/9/23

Loughborough and District Motor Cycle Club held its annual general meeting on 31/8/23 in line with the published constitution of the club.  Minutes of the Agenda are posted at the link below.

Minutes of the AGM

AGM Agenda

LDMCC Constitution

Loughborough Trials Club also has a Facebook page.  Please pop over to Facebook and like our page.


Post up any pictures you have of Loughborough Trials onto Facebook please!


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